[New Plugin Updates] Drawing & Painting Canvas

hi alex, there an issue with when

If choose add to text is made

selectable = yes
font will not be italic

selectable = no
font will be italic

Please look into this and get back to me. I have send you an email as well.

Please look into this asap as i have a project coming in Wednesday. Hope it can be resolve asap, as our previous conversations took almost a week for you to respond. I’m genuinely concern about the response time.

Hi @palateandcraft thanks for reaching out!

I’ve pushed an update in v1.155.47 that should resolve this issue.

Thanks. To follow up as well. Once i have type in the name. And add an image to canva. There’s no way to disable highlighted text. Even though if i tried to click on any empty space on the screen. Can you please look into this as well. Thanks.

Another issue is if user is using phones or tablets. the keyboard wont appear.

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@alex4 any news?

Hi @palateandcraft we’re still looking into this issue and will get back to you if we have any follow up questions.

any news?

Hi @palateandcraft not yet, we should have a response for you next week

i have another event coming Thursday. Any news?

I should have an update for you tomorrow @palateandcraft

Hi @palateandcraft – we’ve pushed an update in v1.55.50 that should resolve the issue. Make sure you set “Auto-Enter Edit Mode” to “no”.

This update should also resolve the mobile keyboard issue as long as “selectable” is “yes”

If that doesn’t work for whatever reason, please isolate the issue on this demo editor so we can look at your specific implementation.

Thank you @ajl5. Appreciate the effort! Literally saved my day. Thanks again.

Hold up, so it’s currently working on android but it’s not working on IOS devices.

Hi @palateandcraft hmm… can you PM us a link to a page where it’s not working? It’s working on iOS on our end.