New Responsive Engine [beta] is Live!

Significant problems with the new responsive beta. Created an app from a template (maybe that was my first issue). I created some pages, and it worked as always. It was notable that when I went into the Responsive tab in a page, it worked as before. But when I went into the Responsive tab for a Header or Footer is gave me the upgrade message. When I tried to upgrade the header it appeared to do it, but it shows the device widths across the top of the page, but I can’t click on any of them. So I deleted the new header and went back to the backup of the old header. Now I see this on the page when I go into preview mode.

@nick.carroll Repeating groups do not collapse in height when hidden :confused:

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This might be a dumb question, but do you have the collapse when hidden box checked on the layout tab?

Yes I have.

Just did a quick test and was able to get a repeating group to collapse, though perhaps your situation is different. Do you mind filing a bug report?

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There’s surely more to it than this, because I have an RG that collapses just fine. Mine resides within a Group Focus having Column layout.

The issue is likely related to your specific layout and/or combination of settings. It seems a bug report with a link to the page demonstrating the issue might be helpful.

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Is anyone else’s responsive editor blowing their CPU/memory?

I have reusable element which crashes my browser when I load it.

Nothing fancy about the reusable either. A simple popup with 2 repeating groups.

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I will file a bug report, though can’t seem to get it working. The minimum height is set to 0%

Does it behave the same way in Chrome? Brave is not an officially supported browser for the Bubble editor.

Yes behaves the same way in Chrome as well

In that case, assuming the issue is reproducible, I’d suggest submitting a bug report and providing a link to your editor page.

Done. Thanks!

Does the repeating groups parent container have a minimum height set perhaps?

+1 for this.

This is a good idea, thanks. Thinking through how we can do this in a reasonable way.


Maybe use Canny like Stacker?

Or just Trello also works.

Or Notion.

Same thing happening for me. I have a single page app so there’s a ton going on, but never had problems editing it with the old engine. With this new engine I can’t even edit it anything without my browser (Chrome) freezing up. Task Manager shows memory at 70%.

I can’t even open any of the property editors. They just open and then everything freezes and they disappear again.


The ability to access layout options via conditionals would be massive… is this likely to be released?