New Responsive Engine [beta] is Live!

Great question. We have no deadline in terms of migrating over to the new Responsive Engine. The hope is that the new experience is so much better that everyone will want to move over, but we understand that for some it may take a bit longer.


To all of the advanced, long term Bubble users out there, yes, we finally have HORIZONTAL COLLAPSING GROUPS. Major for anyone who has clients who prefer horizontal menu structures, like myself… Goodbye hacks.

P.S. Bubble. Bravo. My first time using this and I can confirm the new system is intuitive – And for anyone out there with prior HTML/CSS and Bootstrap, you’ll feel right at home (although prior experience isn’t needed, of course).


Where did you see that? I cannot see where you have that feature.

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@ryanck Make sure your container layout is ROW. And your items are left aligned.


Wow! Thanks


OMG! So much work in my head to convert the current app to the new responsive engine. Months maybe? :sweat_smile:

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This is simply amazing. Well done! :partying_face:

This is great so far!

First issue though, Focus Groups seem to be acting a bit strange. They are jammed in the bottom right corner of the UI builder, even if hidden and workflows that used them are no longer working.

If I create a new Group Focus, it also sticks to the bottom left corner, but workflows will show and hide the new groups I create.

Anyone else experience similar results?


I see a lot of positivity… I hate it!


Great, :laughing: all the people who used to moan about “when is the new responsive engine coming?” can now start moaning about “When is the new responsive engine going to be fixed?” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@nick.carroll “Send to front” and “Send to back” seem to be broken in the new engine. I’ve been tinkering with it and neither seems to have any effect, making it impossible to order things on the z-axis. Am I missing something?

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Ah yes this is on our radar, should have a fix coming for this soon.


Seriously, I can’t even drag buttons around, I feel like someone has cut off my hands :unamused: Bubble, how in the world can you disable dragging elements around :crazy_face:


The goal of a upgrade should be to add new features and/or make things easier to use.

There may be more features that I am sure have a use but I can’t do the basics now… this is many steps backwards and will surely hinder adoption to the platform. When there are so many decent builders out there to copy this is a massive step backwards.

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Yes in responsive containers (align to parent, column, and row), the position and layout of an element is set by the settings in the property editor, not dragging and dropping. This is because they have to follow a rule as the screen or content resizes - is it top aligned? Is it right aligned? Is it meant to stretch to fit? Is it pinned to a nonant?

It definitely takes some getting used to vs the old system, but starts to unlock some pretty cool behavior when you get more comfortable with it.


From a non CSS/GRID/Wordpress guy, I have no idea what I’m meant to be doing :rofl:

I’ve been fiddling around but I don’t even know where to start.

Could someone do some videos just giving the basics and maybe a quick mock app build?


Am I still meant to be grouping things together or even putting elements into groups anymore :stuck_out_tongue:

We have some awesome how-to videos coming shortly which will give you a demonstration on how to build some common responsive web layouts!


I’ve been trying to drag elements around, which obviously is disabled in the new responsive engine. Why would Bubble disable that functionality as it’s one of the most powerful features of Bubble.

Will the old system be deprecated?

I like the Flex system, but I agree with @nocodeventure, drag on canvas is a must have feature when out of Beta. This initially appears that it will slow down our development quite a bit.