[New Template] Mobile UI components library

Hi there

Re license: the difference is only whether you can use the template for your own use (standard) or to build applications for 3rd party customers e.g. as an agency (developer). See here for details https://bubble.io/marketplace-policies - functionality is the same however. So if you want to build an app for yourself (also commercial use), go for the standard license.

Re Android / PWA: This is not dependent on any template you use at all, but rather on how Bubble itself works. Bubble apps are basically just web apps that run in any browser independent of the platform. So yes, the template as such can be used to build a PWA or as a basis for any kind of iOS or Android app. However, to for ‘transform’ your Bubble app into an Android or iOS app you will need to take additional steps - i.e. ‘wrap’ the Bubble web application into an app ‘container’. See for example 10 min. Native App iOS & Android [Fundraising in progress] 🔷 or BDK Native Apps - Build before you buy / https://www.thebdk.com/. However, the look and feel of the template is more iOS like than Android.

Hope this helps