New Template: Text Scroll Animation

Hi everyone!
My first template published yesterday. This template include 3 pages, nice looking menu and has responsive design.


Index page: full-screen header will meet you.
Overview page: Text scroll animation is here. As you can see in the gif.
Technical page: You can introduce the features of your product here.

I designed this template for product introduction pages. But you can easily convert it for other purposes.

Preview link: Your Bubble app
Template link: Text Scroll Animation Template | Bubble

Have a nice day! :slight_smile: :v:


Nothing personal here but I wonder how it got accepted as the index isn’t working correctly on mobile.

Thank you for your feedback. But I didn’t understand. What do you mean? Can you give more details?

Wow! When I check other screen sizes I never saw a problem. I will fix it. Can you write your screen sizes?

which plugin you used for text animation when page is scroll?

Hey @yumna0324. It’s all native Bubble