New Workflow tab - Discussion Megathread

I know this change to the workflows tab is in beta, but as I mentioned before here [Editor Improvement] List of Suggestions (Quality of Life) this vertical format consumes considerable and unnecessary space, I don’t know about you guys, but I still prefer the previous model.

Another thing is that in the old model, we had an overview when opening the workflows tab, now that doesn’t happen. I know that every change requires adaptation, but I can already see that the current way will require more work to find what I really want.

All we needed was:
1- A way to view folder separations without having to open the side tab or click on them.
2 - More color tones for those people who are more visual (like me) who organize actions by type of trigger/function and associate this with colors (now the colors have become even more difficult to identify).
3 - A way (some icon) to identify comments on events or actions.
4 - Maybe highlight any events that used Custom Events when Custom Events were selected.
5 - Save space, keeping it compact facilitate systemic view of events/actions.

Something like this: