No "Result from step x" on Log the user in background workflow?

I look at my background login worklfow for API access and in the return data action I see that I have been left with nothing but an empty field.

nothing has changed and it is just suddenly not even an option

Hmm Good question. :thinking: Would current user work after that?

Did Bubble change something you think?

I am having that issue as well, need to report it to them as a bug since the documentation says it should be available as a datasource

If you want to generate a token for a user you need to:

  1. Make a backend workflow and expose it as a public API workflow, this workflow only includes a login action.
  2. Using the API connector make a call for this workflow, this call should be used as an action.
  3. Add this action (the API call) to a workflow and the result of it will be the token.

Make sure you’ve checked ‘generate token, don’t send mail’.

That checkbox is for the magic login/reset pw actions :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I have been informed by Bubble support the API workflow will automatically reply with the information just by having the login workflow and no other actions after it.

I guess I missed the “automatic” part on the documentation

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