I have this:
It simply keeps returning -0.2 in the console. When I try changing the value in the element field in my test app, the console keeps returning -0.2.
Am I doing something wrong? I feel like I accessed fields with properties.field_name before…
Whole code bellow for context:
function(instance, properties, context) {
const simplex = new SimplexNoise();
const FIXED_COLS = 20;
const FIXED_ROWS = 20;
// Get noise scale properties with defaults
const ELEVATION_SCALE_1 = properties.elevation_scale_1 || 0.05;
const ELEVATION_SCALE_2 = properties.elevation_scale_2 || 0.1;
const MOISTURE_SCALE_1 = properties.moisture_scale_1 || 0.03;
const MOISTURE_SCALE_2 = properties.moisture_scale_2 || 0.08;
// Log noise scales
//console.log('Noise Scales:', {
// elevation: {
// scale1: ELEVATION_SCALE_1,
// scale2: ELEVATION_SCALE_2
// },
// moisture: {
// scale1: MOISTURE_SCALE_1,
// scale2: MOISTURE_SCALE_2
// }
// Water thresholds (keeping from original)
const WATER_THRESHOLD = properties.water_treshold || -0.2;
// Moisture zones (1-6, where 6 is wettest)
VERY_DRY: { threshold: -0.6, zone: 1 },
DRY: { threshold: -0.2, zone: 2 },
MODERATE: { threshold: 0.0, zone: 3 },
WET: { threshold: 0.2, zone: 4 },
VERY_WET: { threshold: 0.4, zone: 5 },
SATURATED: { threshold: 1.0, zone: 6 }
// Biome mapping based on elevation (longitude) and moisture
function getBiome(elevation, moistureZone) {
if (elevation <= WATER_THRESHOLD) {
return 'water';
// Normalize elevation to 1-4 zones (low to high)
const elevZone = Math.floor((elevation + 1) * 2) + 1;
// Biome matrix based on Whittaker diagram
const BIOME_MATRIX = {
4: {
1: 'scorched',
2: 'bare',
3: 'tundra',
4: 'snow',
5: 'snow',
6: 'snow'
3: {
1: 'temperate_desert',
2: 'temperate_desert',
3: 'shrubland',
4: 'taiga',
5: 'taiga',
6: 'taiga'
2: {
1: 'temperate_desert',
2: 'grassland',
3: 'grassland',
4: 'temperate_deciduous_forest',
5: 'temperate_deciduous_forest',
6: 'temperate_rain_forest'
1: {
1: 'subtropical_desert',
2: 'grassland',
3: 'tropical_seasonal_forest',
4: 'tropical_seasonal_forest',
5: 'tropical_rain_forest',
6: 'tropical_rain_forest'
return BIOME_MATRIX[elevZone][moistureZone] || 'unknown';
let terrainData = [];
for (let row = 0; row < FIXED_ROWS; row++) {
for (let col = 0; col < FIXED_COLS; col++) {
// Calculate elevation using two noise scales
const elevNoise1 = simplex.noise2D(col * ELEVATION_SCALE_1, row * ELEVATION_SCALE_1);
const elevNoise2 = simplex.noise2D(col * ELEVATION_SCALE_2, row * ELEVATION_SCALE_2);
const elevation = (elevNoise1 + elevNoise2) / 2;
// Calculate moisture using two different noise scales
const moistNoise1 = simplex.noise2D(col * MOISTURE_SCALE_1 + 1000, row * MOISTURE_SCALE_1 + 1000);
const moistNoise2 = simplex.noise2D(col * MOISTURE_SCALE_2 + 1000, row * MOISTURE_SCALE_2 + 1000);
const moisture = (moistNoise1 + moistNoise2 ) / 2;
// Determine moisture zone
let moistureZone = 1;
for (const [_, data] of Object.entries(MOISTURE_LEVELS)) {
if (moisture <= data.threshold) {
moistureZone = data.zone;
// Get biome based on elevation and moisture
const biome = getBiome(elevation, moistureZone);
id: row * FIXED_COLS + col + 1,
elevation: elevation,
moisture: moisture,
moistureZone: moistureZone,
biome: biome
instance.data.terrainData = terrainData;
const hexdataJSON = JSON.stringify(terrainData);
instance.publishState('hexdata', hexdataJSON);