Online Forms with 10X Features?

So I have already shared this within the Freelancing category but will try in the “Need Help” category now.
My idea is to build an insurance claim form via bubble but i would like to know what features can i add or utilize of bubble’s that would make the user experience 10X.

Background: Pet owners will have an insurance policy which will be on a Reimbursement basis therefore they will have to visit the clinic and opt for the consultation/services and then file an e-insurance claim for the reimbursement of the fee’s/invoice.

Requirement follows via a diagram flow and customer usage/requriment:

  1. Customer intends to use the claim form 0-2 times a month, 5-24 times per year
  2. Customer base of 500 - 1,000
  3. Customer should have the feature of booking an appointment
  4. Repetitiveness should be removed as much as possible therefore 3rd party logins (Ie. FB, Google etc) are ok…
  5. Another idea is to enter your insurance policy number and everything is generated automatically.

Everything you mentioned should be easily doable with bubble … I don’t know what you want to “generate automatically” but this is the point where it could get a little bit tricky.

Is there a database from where you can lookup the insurance? Does it have an API? If yes - you could get the data out of the police without the user having to type in the information.

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