Paperd | An app for making lists and stuff

Hi Everyone!

Meet paperd. It’s a simple (free) app for creating rich collection spaces. These spaces can be for anything from shopping lists, inspiration for your next renovation, or a to-do list. The possibilities are endless.

Upload images, add links, write to your heart’s desire, chuck in a checklist, some dot points, and even a table. We’re not going to tell you what to make, so you do you.

Modern problems, modern solutions. An emoji for every paperd.‍:brain: :ok_hand: :writing_hand:

Find something you like? Just drop the link in a paperd. We’ll make it look all peerty. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :princess:

You like checklists? Everybody loves a checklist. Well check that out. :heavy_check_mark: :memo: :writing_hand:

Need to get your creation into the world? Publish your paperd, anyone can view it. :rocket: :eyes: :tada:

We are working on expanding the functionality of paperd and will have a suggestion page up and running shortly!

Let us know your thoughts and thanks again!



Check our paperd on Product Hunt!

1 Like

Wow!! That looks amazing!