Peltarion Customization


I built a POC with the Peltarion plugin which uses AI to analyze uploaded images and returns their class using this tutorial: Create a no-code app based on your Peltarion AI model

Is there a way I could display a different page or text that explains the response to the user? For example, if the Peltarion API returns 5 then display a pre-built page explaining what 5 means, or if the API returns 3 display a different pre-built page explaining what 3 means.

Thanks for the help!


Yes, add the items related to your class in the bubble database and information associated with that item.

When your model returns a prediction, search for the prediction in your bubble database, and display bubbles match in a group where you could access things like title and description.

Hope I made sense.

Thanks for the great reply, that sounds promising!

I’m not sure I completely understand this part: display bubbles match in a group where you could access things like title and description.

Is it something like, in the database each type of prediction will have associated data like “title” and “description” text, and whatever the prediction matches with it will pull that title and description into the page?

Correct. You could use different formulas like when prediction > 5 display “this text” or “do this”.

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