Plugin conjure-PDF field com list

I am using the conjure plugin. That’s nice. but in the create table step, I am having difficulty searching for a list field from DB to PDF. The field in the PDF is populated with only the first item in the list. How to bring the complete list?
Take a look at the FIELD (PDF), column 2, this contains only 01 list item in each line.

Thank you

I still haven’t gotten any answers, anywhere. So, I believe it’s a big problem with bubble.

The answer is in this video:

I’ve also had a few problems setting this up, but I manage to integrate lists without a problem (you have to play with the plugin’s limits).

Sorry for my English, I’m a Brazilian citizen.
Thanks for the answer, but this answer doesn’t solve my question. This video does the opposite, separates items from a list. I just need to read a list from DB or Repeating Group and insert this list into the PDF.

Okay, now I understand.

You want to add data lists to a column in your repeating group (on the invoice)?

The plugin isn’t really suited to that…

But we can find a solution to meet your needs. Does the “Lista dezenas dos jogos” list contain a fixed number of values?

If it contains 15 values each time, you can try:

Do a search for JOGOS DO BALAOs: each item’s Lista dezenas dos jogos formatted as text split by (XXX).

And in your “formated as text” you put:

Content to sho per list item : “ This item first item, This item #item2, (…) This item #15 ” by putting distinct data dynamics each time and has the list without spaces.

Delimiter: “XXX"

Normally this should work, but we’ll have to see how it turns out…

Thank you very much for your feedback.
With this plugin, it actually became more difficult.
Well, I solved it with another simpler plugin.
The Conjurer plugin is very good, but not very good if the field is a list.