{Plugin} - Full Calendar Scheduler Suite

hi there,
I am using this plug-on but cannot get it to subscribe to updated data dynamically. The only way the calendar gets updated is with page refresh (or using the actions connected to the Calendar itself which is not relevant for my usecase) . Am I missing something?

Sounds like a db issue. Can you share a link to your editor?

Iā€™m not really sure. You could try my FullCalendar 6 plugin thatā€™s free. I have a feeling itā€™s due to pulling in an old version of bootstrap to support the tooltips on events. Whatā€™s really weird is that it doesnā€™t do that in all apps. Iā€™m not really sure why it does it.

Thanks - will definitely do. Which one will you support in the future?

Hello Jared. The ā€œeach discrete eventā€ Edibility Mode is not working. Data Input is the same length as the other inputs. i tried the regular and the ā€œformat to Textā€ way to get it somehow working.

Hi Jared - would you be able to update the bootstrap version to test and confirm the hypothesis? Iā€™m still seeing the CS conflicts and am hoping to find a workaround/resolution. Cheers!

@jared.gibb Hello Jared,
Is there any Key Input for the Rescources for the ā€œArrey of days and timeā€ in the Bussines Hours Sektion? Like ā€œresourceIdā€
By the way the ā€œstartTimeā€ and ā€œendTimeā€ can be formated as text like ā€œ12:00ā€.

I am seeing this as well. Did you figure it out?

EDIT: Fixed with global css:

.row {
    margin-left: 0px !important;
    margin-right: 0px !important;

I also can only get it to work on page refresh. Did you find the issue?

EDIT: I opted for the paid plugin and solved a lot of my issues. Although I still had to configure things better. Iā€™m using the workflow action to change jump to date.

@jared.gibb Thanks for putting this plugin together! Itā€™s great.

there is a main issue in January. There ist a ā€œ,ā€ in front of the StartTi.

let dataString = ā€œ[ā€;
dataString += ā€œ,{"startTime": "10:00", ā€¦}ā€; // ā† Extra comma!
dataString += ā€œ]ā€;

That causes some loading problems.

Yo. Just saw these. Havenā€™t been on in a while.

Can you send me a DM (if youā€™re using the paid version) outlining any bugs youā€™re experiencing? IMO, this plugin is heavy as fuck and needs to be rebuilt. All fault of my own.

Sorry for the issues and delays.