[Plugin Update: 2021] TechBlocks Charts and Graphs (Chart.js)

@alex4 Is there any way to make dates (formatted as date) along the x-axis horizontally orientated rather than on an angle? See the example below. I would prefer the X-axis labels orientated like the bottom graph rather than the top one. This doesn’t seem possible with the x-axis unit set to date. Great plugin by the way!

Values position on pie chart. This is cut off (see image)

@jye.tebble thanks for nice words about the plugin! I’ve added your request to enable the customization of the angle of those tick labels to my backlog and will probably have it ready this/next week! How does that sound?


Noticed a small bug where values don’t display if there is no space between comma delimitated values 0, 0,1, 0 … the 1 value wasn’t displaying. I had to output my values as text to discover the bug. This was using bothe the bar and pie chart.

I just pushed a fix in the latest version for this to be a bit more forgiving for comma separated lists with/without the extra space after the comma.

Values position on pie chart. This is cut off (see image)
This should be fixable with two settings within the Pie/Donut Chart element:
Chart Padding (try increasing this number):

Data Label offset (try decreasing this number):

I’ll go ahead an make the defaults for these values set up to reduce the chances that things get cut off but some of this depends on how the users’ chart is configured. Thanks again for the feedback – it’s been so helpful!

Thanks @alex4 that sounds awesome! Cheers :slight_smile:

@jye.tebble – great to hear! Keep you all posted on progress!

I have an odd space at x=0. Anyone else run into this?

Hey @ben29 – thanks for reaching out!

I haven’t seen that issue before, could you PM me a link to your editor so I can take a look and help resolve that issue.


Is it possible in a line graph to have a line graph fill in the missing Y value as an average of the two adjacent values. eg. IF I were to input 20, ,30 then the plugin should have the option to fill in the missing value as 20, 25, 30. This would help greatly as I am doing graphs, where some values are optional and currently I have to do calcs to fill them in. The spacing between the X lines also needs to be consistent and there is always a missing value in one of the series. I don’t know if that makes sense.

Hey there Alex, Thank you again for your great plugin. It has been a big part of our app. Is it possible to make it so that you don’t show all of the units and labels along the X-axis?

Hey @christo1 thanks for reaching out again! Your use case makes sense.

Which chart type are you using: Bar/Line or Connected Scatter?

@uzair7175 thanks for reaching out!

Yes, it is possible to do this. There is a setting (“Show X Tick Labels”) on the chart that should enable you to show/hide the labels along the X-axis

Hi Alex, I am using the line/bar chart. thank you for the interest in my edge case.

Update in v4.21.3: Scatter/Connected Scatter Charts – Added the ability to customize the angle of the X Axis Tick Labels manually.

For example, if you’re creating the chart in the image below, you can customize the dates along the X axis to be whatever angle you please. If you set it to “0”, the dates would display horizontally:

FYI @jye.tebble – thanks for requesting this feature!


Hey @christo1 – not sure if this will fit your use case but the Scatter Chart element in the plugin has the ability to (a) connect points to form a line chart and (b) skip points between x values.

So in your example, if you only have data for 20 and 30, you can skip the 25 point between the two and the connected scatter chart will still form a line between the points at 20 and 30.

The Charts titled “Visits by Day” and “Purchases by Day” in this demo page have the ability to skip points. Let me know if that helps!

Thank you Alex, I’ll definitely take a closer look. Are Scatter charts draggable though as I do use this feature a bit.

Hi @christo1 – currently, Bar/Line and Bubble Charts are draggable, but I can certainly add that feature to enable draggable Scatter Charts as well. I imagine based on my backlog that I can push something out next week. How’s that work for you?

Thanks! I assume this is possible for the Y-axis too. Thank you

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Thank sounds great. Thank you Alex

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@uzair7175 – yes it is possible to show/hide Y-Axis tick labels as well! Let me know if you have any other questions. More than happy to help!

@christo1 – great to hear. Don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any other questions or requests in the meantime!


Simple Pie Charts no longer displaying in elements that worked perfectly before. I just went through the list of plugin versions and pie charts break on version 4.20.1 and above.

Hey @ben29 – thanks for flagging this! I wasn’t able to reproduce this on my end but if you DM me a link to your editor, I’ll take a look tomorrow and push a fix