Pragmatic limits in an app

I am a Bubble newbie.

I want to build a grant application form app (to be used on various devices). The hard copy form has over 600 fields. There is a parent-child structure but the parent itself has about 450 fields.

My question takes into consideration the following:

  • The number of elements on a page
  • The loading time of a page
  • The user experience of flipping to different pages vs. different sections of the same page
  • Security concerns

I envisage the complete app to be multi-paged. But should I build the form itself as a single page?

What are your thoughts?

hey @kf-subscriptions,

it’s a good idea to digitize the form, if anything it makes it more accessible if like you say it has 600 fields. Security-wise, there are ways to enforce security of data in Bubble but honestly I think you should consider all possible options beside Bubble if you will be saving critical data.

Experience wise, with the number of fields you have I suggest you go with progressive disclosure + pagination; meaning that you group relevant inputs in small groups (sections, if you will) and show each group when the user completes the previous one or directly navigates to it.

Loading fields gradually will not only make the entire UX less overwhelming for users but also pages load faster.

Hope this helps.