Pricing updates and thoughts

My reaction was different than yours. The fact this huge/monumental change was so quickly reversed in part makes this situation seem even worse to me, because it shows that the changes were not necessary and certainly could have been rolled out over time.

The fact these changes were so quickly walked back in the face of a negative serves as a sign to me that I can’t trust Bubble to make fair, well-considered decisions in the future, because they didn’t here.

I’m using this 2 year grace period to find an alternative where I can rest at night knowing I won’t wake up to unnecessary, poorly considered drama for no reason.

I cannot imagine if I was one of the many people who have trusted Bubble enough to build a career on the Bubble ecosystem. The idea certainly crossed through my mind, and I even suggested Bubble freelancing to a few friends who were frustrated at work. I am so glad none of them took my idea and ran with it!

This is a worrying way to phrase this. Does Bubble really not have a way to measure the cost of the features? For example, would it be impossible for Bubble to charge users for the services they use on a post-paid basis if you chose to do so?

I realize App A might only have 20 Workflows and App B has 100 completely different workflows, but at what point did things get so complex that Bubble is depending on the profits to come out in the wash?