Problems sending list of things through SendGrid

Hi All,

I’m having a problem with SendGrid, where passing a variable to the SendGrid email template DOES work in my Development environment and NOT in my Live environment. Hoping someone can help.

I’m trying to display a list of things into the email. SendGrid apparently has trouble with line breaks, so this post (Strange behaviour from SendGrid) helped me overcome that by joining my list with line_break + using the regex find&replace to replace \n with
which did the trick… in Development…

My template in SendGrid does of course have %VAR1% in it, which I passed from as VAR1 (which, if I didn’t do properly, I imagine wouldn’t have worked in Development) - i’m using the “SendGrid API - Send Email” option.

In Dev it works, but in Live, it gives me an error, something to do with Raw data I think (there was no change in terms of what was inputted - my Live is read-only).

Note also: In Live mode, when I try to display the list EVEN WITHOUT the line_break in it, it gives an error (in Development, this just worked, without even having to do the Regex Find&Replace).

Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance.