The repeating group where the Toggles are located receives a list coming from a temporary state of the repeating group itself, the toggles change the value of a yes/no attribute of the list present in the temporary state.
I made an API Workflow to copy these values to the database when a “Save” button is pressed, but the value in the database is updated as soon as I change the value in the toggle.
likely your toggle has the ‘autobind’ feature enabled
But the toggle is connected with the state elements of the repeating group not with those in the database, the change should not be made in the database
I disabled the API workflow and autobind, the only flow related to toggles is one so that when its value changes, the corresponding item in the repeater group is updated, but the data in the repeater group is in a state, not in the database
You can’t edit a Thing outside of the database.
A custom state (of type 'Thing) is just a reference directly to that thing.
Any changes you make to that Thing are made to the actual Thing in the database.
It’s not possible (at least in Native Bubble) to ‘temporarily’ modify a thing, separate from the Database entry.
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