Push notification zapier

Hi, i am aware that bubble.is does not currently support push notifications. But I was wondering if it is possible to use zapier to add this functionality? I have seen that they have instapush and other push services. I am not quite sure how these add ons work which is why I am asking.

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Yes it sounds very doable, since the zappier action is just about triggering a zap, so once you can then use anything in the zap.


may I ask… to get push notifications working through Zapier/Instapush does the user need to have the Instapush app installed (or any other third party app) on their device to push the notification?


I actually don’t know that plugin/service :confused:

I suppose the question is more general than being specific for that service…

Understanding the Bubble does not yet support push notifications for mobile I am trying to find a workable solution that can leverage an external service without the need to install another app on the user’s device for push notifications to work.

A service that I am currently investigating as a possible solution is https://onesignal.com/ but I wanted to know whether it is possible to make API calls to such a service by running/executing a block of (javascript) code directly from Bubble?

So we don’t have that plugin yet, but we can look at adding this on request. Otherwise, Zapier or Blockspring would be good way to add it.

my understanding is that through the use of Zapier and Blockspring there is still the need to install the client app on the user’s mobile device for push notifications to work.

Asking the user to install a third party app for your app to work kind of defeats the whole purpose.

what’s the process to request for the addition of a new plugin?

Well what we would include in Bubble is what you would do yourself in blockspring or zapier. In other words, have some code that would initiate the notification. So that wouldn’t make a difference.

We’ll look into notifications for mobile when we’ll push for native apps.

You could look at Bubble > Zapier > Twillio for SMS notifications ?

From my understanding; Apple does not currently allow off site web-based push notifications on iOS (so an iPhone user has to actually be on the website, to receive a “web” notification… :unamused: )

that onesignal.com could notify users on Android, with an offsite push notification - and another one called https://goroost.com/ will do the same thing. I know Roost can be connected through Zapier; Roost account is pretty expensive though.

Our best bet may be to wait out the Bubble teams push into native apps (which will be a seriously glorious day, for a lot of us I think :slight_smile: