Race results / lap time analytics

Is Bubble a good fit for me to start building with? Basically we race cars several times a month and have very detailed lap time data that I would like to be able to enter for each driver, each race so to create a database of all racers lap data and race result data to then run analytics on. SO for instance I could find all my personal lap times in a particular car class (ie. stock) and get data on the history of a particular track/layout of lap time progression or even simple analytics like average lap times per driver/class/layout…

Is this type of app something anyone would tackle with Bubble or am I looking at forcing a round peg into a square hole type of thing seeing as how I will need:

  • Database / Data Objects
  • Data entry UI
  • Database Storage
  • Data Analytics / Search Capabilities / Reporting
  • Social Access

Thanks in advance for your help in this decision.

Racer T

I would say “based on the context of your requirement” this is bread-and-butter for bubble…Bubble is ideally suited his type of application…

I once went go cart racing “kinda corporate event thing” needless to say i wasn’t very good but im sure the carts had transponders which when going over the start and finish line tripped the lap time etc etc…updated the leader board etc etc.

Dependent on your setup you might look to connect Bubble up and get all the rich data in real-time. i’m jumping the gun “no pun intended”

Awesome - that’s what I wanted to hear! These are RC Cars but actually, the data may someday be recorded live through the transponders but having data entry for past events is what is key for our analytic purposes.

Thanks for responding and I am going to jump into this program and community based on your recommendation.

Racer T