Record radom option set

Hello everyone,

I have an option set name OS with few options

I would like to record randomly an option set when I click on a button.

For example :
I have a table USER with :

In the app:
I have an input and I write a name
I click on a button “Let’s go”
And Bubble choose OS_2 for the field Field_OS next to the field Field_Name.

How could I do it?

Thank you

Consider the :random item operator.

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Thank you for the documentation.

I did like it :

How could tell at Bubble, don’t repeat the Option set twice ?

Thank you

Full list followed by :minus list followed by :random item.

I don’t get it.
I think I understood the logic but I don’t achieve it.

With this formula, t does not workd, I have nothing selected :
Screenshot 2024-08-02 at 06.39.01

Thnank you

All OS_role:minus list [insert here the list you want to exclude] :random item

Hello David,

It works !

Below the right formula

Thank you a lot !

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