Recurring Subscription Solution - Where to start?

I’ve been developing using Stripe and the Bubble Stripe plugin for subscription plans. I used a tutorial on to get me started, but it’s under VIP access which requires a monthly payment to see. I’m sure there is another tutorial out there.

You need to register with Stripe, and then connect Stripe to Bubble in both development and live modes. With the Stripe plugin, a bunch of options then appear under payments workflows. You can play around with it in development mode to test various setups.

Note that Bubble’s documentation covers the v2 plugin. The v3 plugin is adapted for European regulations, and you lose some functionality such as allowing a user to update their credit card.

It’s not just the payment part you need to think about, but also the whole sign-up and sign-in process. Since you hand build it in Bubble, there are a number of ways you can set it up. I’ve gotten where I need to be with a lot of tinkering and trial and error, but the whole time I was thinking that this is an area where Bubble needs a good guide.