I’ve got an API workflow (let’s name it “Get orders”) that retrieves orders from a third party service.
It’s constructed as follow :
- Step 1 : Get a list of orders from the third party service (Setup in API connector)
- Step 2 : Get something from the third party service if result of step 1 is X (Setup in API connector)
- Step 3 : Get something else from the third party service if result of step 1 is Y (Setup in API connector)
- Step 4 : Schedule Another API Workflow to creates things in the database from the result of the previous steps.
- Step 5 : Schedule the “Get Order” API WF at current date time + 10 minutes
I’ve got a button on a page that allow me to schedule that API WF the first time. After clicking that button, I then check the Scheduler logs and I can see that “Get Orders” is scheduled.
I come back a few days later and I can not see any trace of “Get Orders” in the Scheduler logs.
Looking at the server logs I can see that “Get Orders” as been scheduled a few times until it stops. At one point the Step 1 third party service returned an error.
The parameter “Include errors in response and allow workflow actions to continue” action setup in the API connector is checked so from my knowledge the API WF should have continue and reschedule itself.
What am I missing ? Any help is appreciated