I have a recursive workflow where every time a basket number lands on a basket position of 1, it gets plus one pass. the basket positions are shuffling plus one position till they get to position 1 six times (total passes). However my recursive workflow just falls short, what only when condition could I use for the recursive workflow to stop when all values hit 6 instead of falling one short like in this example. (6 is a value of the variable “Total Passes”, which is determined by a dropdown input).
Figure 1. Data Table.
Figure 2. Recursive workflow using is not.
The filter is counting the amount of entries that equals 6.
Figure 3. Making sure the filter counts passes to the variable of total passes, recursive workflow keeps running until they hit 6.
Figure 4. The recursive workflow just running short and keeps leaving one entry minus one pass away from its total pass.
I believe it is the “is not” statement in the only when condition of the recursive workflow, but not sure what to substitute instead.