Registration of different users but with the same email

In the user database I will have Administrators and holders, but a user can be both, I wanted to know if it is possible to have two records with the same email (one for administrator and one for holder), the holders’ password is a code that is updated with each access, so it is not possible to use the same registry.

Hi @arthur.marques! I believe that for this type of registration you can have, for example, a radio button, where the person chooses whether to be an administrator or a guest, and with that you don’t need to have any rule that checks if the email already exists, you just need to differentiate if this email doesn’t exist with the option (admin or other) selected in the radio group, for example. It would look like this in the table:
admin - email x
other - email x

I don’t know if I made my idea clear.tb_logon
admin - email x
outro - email x

nao sei se me fiz entender minha ideia.

That’s not the right way of doing things. Almost no service on the internet allows 2 accounts to share one email, in one system.

You can have an admin field in User then set the appropriate privacy rules and conditions in relevant pages.

Hi, @arthur.marques I gave you an idea, if he wants to do it for testing, that’s his problem. He can also register just one email and make a popup after email validation and ask if he wants to access as an admin or guest, there are several ways. flw

He did not specify as doing it for testing. Whatever it is, there is a right way and there is trying to reinvent the wheel way.

It looks to me that OP is storing user password outside of Bubble’s own User authentication. If I’m wrong and he’s just updating passwords natively using Bubble actions then I’m wrong. If I am correct, then let’s hope he’s storing passwords safely without them being exposed.

Also about your method, how would you then validate and login the user with the right permissions? Your method also incurs more WU since Bubble already prevents duplicate accounts and now you are adding additional steps to it.

:+1: Cool

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