Thanks a million in advance… 2 small issues that I cannot seem to figure out for the life of me.
Repeating group, I created a notification system. Everything works except I cannot figure out how to make the “Messages In” part work. I can get the first message repeated in all the boxes or no message at all.
Whats my next move here? I think I have tried every way but the correct one obviously.
My “New” alert inside the message page works correctly.
Hi @jackedwards664, sorry I didn’t quite understand, you say that outside the menu, the new message appears and in the menu it doesn’t appear, is that it?
I believe you’ve already moved forward with your project, but I was running tests to give you better feedback. I did what you said, so that as soon as there are new messages, they will appear in the menu on the side as well as in the header. Here are two prints, where I change the read field to yes and or no directly in the database to see the real change when there are new unread messages. Of course, this is just one type of visualization for this type of desired alert.