Repeating group and pop up problem

Hello, guys!

I need your help cause I have a repeating group and want to make changes in it using pop up on click on current repeating group value’s name (text). So when I click on it I’m not able to display current data, cause this group which I want to display asks for next values. Could you tell me what’s the problem and how can I solve it?

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looks like a ‘type’ mismatch…

What does the issue checker say?

Only this

It says the data to display should be empty - that means you don’t have a content type set on the group (so you can’t display data in it)…

make sure the group has the correct content type set.

You know, I’m still trying to find solution of this problem. Content type is selected, but nothing changes. You have any ideas? I’ll be grateful

Assuming you’re still talking about the same issue… you’re trying to send data to a group, but that group doesn’t have a content-type set.

Could You show me how can i set it up? I don really get what are you talking about

You just need to set the content-type on the group (whatever group it is you’re trying to ‘send’ the data to) to the same content-type as the data you’re trying to send (i.e. the same content type as the RG).

Maybe I don’t get something but actually content types are the same right now

but actually content types are the same right now

Well the issue checker is saying they’re not…

Maybe post a screenshot so someone can see if the content-type is correct or not?..

OMG, I GOT IT!!! I changed it and it works! Thank you so much!

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This is the solution for what you might be looking for:


Thank you so much!!

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You’re welcome my friend. I’m glad to help you.

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