Request for feedback: What 3rd party integrations are missing?

Hi all,

I briefly introduced myself on another thread, but for those who didn’t see it, my name is Allen and I’m the new PM at Bubble. Super excited to be here and to meet many of you who help create such a great community!

One of the advantages of working on a product that has such a fervent community is that I get to ask you all for feedback and ideas :). So here’s my first try at it:

What are some 3rd party integrations that are missing today which would be helpful to you?

Many of these could take the form of plugins (though not necessarily all!). Feel free to toss names out here - though including a 1-2 sentence explanation for why the integration would be helpful (especially for the more esoteric ones) would be appreciated too.

(Necessary PM caveat: can’t commit to build any particular idea which may pop up here, but I am / we are certainly listening to this feedback!)
