Retrieving All of Webhook's request data

I am testing a stripe webhook. I notice that when I detect data, I detect a lot of data. However, when I try to retrieve the data via Request Data, I am not able to access some of the data I that has been received in the modify data tab.

For example, I cannot retrieve anything in Object Lines, Which is another Object.
So I cannot do Request Data’s object lines or Request Data’s Object Lines ’ id… etc

They are in there. It is just hard to figure out which field is a list. Try clicking every field to see if it is a list with more fields.

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ah thank you, i realize the issue. When i initialized the data again after changing the webhook events to listen to, I saw the data modify data tab. This was the data I wanted. However, I didnt realize I had to click save since it showed up correctly on the modify data tab.

@magazine , To add on top of this, You can view the raw data from the call to ensure it is what you want.

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