Returning data in a Workflow API

Hey! I’m having a problem with my app, and I don’t if it’s a bug or I’m doing something wrong.

Basically, I have two types of items: ProductStock and ProductTransaction. The product transaction is basically a log of when a ProductStock is created.

I’m doing a function on my app so I can read a XML file and create a list of ProductStocks, and consequently, ProductTransactions. So I made two API Workflows: one for creating a list of ProductTransactions, because the XML will have a list of transactions, and each ProductTransaction can have a list of ProductStocks, so I made one for creating a list of ProductStocks and called it inside the first workflow.

The problem is, after I call the workflow for creating a list of ProductStocks, it doesn’t return the products created, it returns a list of texts instead of a list of ProductStocks.

API Workflow that should return the ProductStock that was created:

API Wokflow where I called the first workflow but it returned a list of texts:

Any idea of what I’m doing wrong or if it’s really a bug?

(Sorry if it was confusing, my english it’s not so good)

Return data from API only work if you call api from outside bubble or using API connector, not schedule API workflow