Hey! I’m having a problem with my app, and I don’t if it’s a bug or I’m doing something wrong.
Basically, I have two types of items: ProductStock and ProductTransaction. The product transaction is basically a log of when a ProductStock is created.
I’m doing a function on my app so I can read a XML file and create a list of ProductStocks, and consequently, ProductTransactions. So I made two API Workflows: one for creating a list of ProductTransactions, because the XML will have a list of transactions, and each ProductTransaction can have a list of ProductStocks, so I made one for creating a list of ProductStocks and called it inside the first workflow.
The problem is, after I call the workflow for creating a list of ProductStocks, it doesn’t return the products created, it returns a list of texts instead of a list of ProductStocks.
API Workflow that should return the ProductStock that was created:
API Wokflow where I called the first workflow but it returned a list of texts:
Any idea of what I’m doing wrong or if it’s really a bug?
(Sorry if it was confusing, my english it’s not so good)