Rounded_to 0 errors on red?

I can’t figure out how I’ve done rounded_to wrong… From what I’ve read, you’re supposed to say rounded_to 0 if you want to round to a whole number. So I’ve typed in exactly that. In the screenshot, you’ll see that the value Average Rating evaluates to a number… and then I’m asking it to rounded_to 0, but it keeps erroring?

What does the Issue checker say?

(it looks like a type mismatch)

Probably “MapIcon” is not a number…

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I concur, MapIcon is not a number

oh interesting ok, so MapIcon is an optionset where you’re selecting a number, I will see if I can figure out how to write that in

Do Get an option -> All MapIcons:filtered:first item
Constraint: This MapIcon's [number field]= Market now's Average Rating rounded to 0 :blush: