Hi all
Need help with a feature.
I have a championship page and a championship event page including a points ranking to users.
On the event page, I have a RP of the results of the event with the points earned.
When the event is closed, an update is made in the data in order to add the point earned to the general classification… So far so good.
Now we are on the other page, championship where a RP is filtered by the number of points (general classification)
My problem is that I have a function that calculates the position gain gained or lost compared to the last event that was closed. Currently to do this I have a button for each user that I have to click to initialize this evolution of space gain or loss according to the currentCell index. It works but really not a good user experience, especially when you have to click 50 times
Do you have a trick to include this function as soon as the test is closed (test page)? Or possibly a button (championship page) that does it for the whole list?
I can’t access the currentCell Index of the RP (general ranking) in the WF API
This my button