Save button - Group input fields which Unfolds when pressing on save button

Hi All,

I hope you guys can help me out.

What is the problem?

I have created a profile form with several input fields and a save button.

The moment when you press on safe another group of input fields unfolds. When the user fills this in and click on save again another group with input fields unfolds.

When the user goes now to a different page and then go back to the page with the profile form. The first input fields of the profile are filled in with the data of the current user. Only when I hit the save button the other group of input fields unfolds again with the data of the current user. So this is good.

Only how it should work is the moment I go to another page and then come back that I want to see a complete overview of all the filled in input fields. Only to see this data I have just filled in I have to press on the save button and then the new group with the filled in input fields unfolds.

Is there a simple trick that onces I have gone through all the steps. That the unfold inputfields stay like this and doesn’t fold in again.

Thanking you in advance

Best Frank


I assume you have those groups not visible on page load. If so, make a conditional on the group that “when there is data in one of those fields” make the group visible = true.

I hope this helps

Hi Troy,

True. Not visible on page load is exactly what I have done.

But I am still not able to make it happen. Would it be possible for you to give an example of the exact input in the conditional window of the Group element.

I have just been started with Bubbles and it would really help me out :smile:

I hope this helps.

You actually want that visibility condition on the group, not the input. Because if the input is inside the collapsing group, it’s not going to matter if the input is conditionally visible since the group is still hidden.

So, on the group, add a condition “When [input inside group]'s value is not empty > this element is visible (checked)”


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Hi Troy & Gaby,

Thank you both for your help.

Based on Troy’s earlier repliy I assume he was meaning it from the beginning.

But good that you point it out. Because I didn’t understand it like you describe it. This is super clear now for me.

Thanks a million to the both of you!