Saving a thing, the fields of which are in one floating group, based on a click on a button, in another floating group

I am building an app which has cases. And cases is a thing/datatype in the database.

The case input fields show in a floating group in the middle, and the save button for it shows in a floating group that’s above it - so that the user can click on save at any point while scrolling through the floating group in the middle.

While opening a case, I send the case data to both the floating groups. While clicking on save, if the save button is within the same floating group, it saves fine. But if I click on the Save button in the floating group floating above it, it clears all the fields (since i’m saving all fields on save) of that thing - the workflow for both are exactly the same. I’ve also tried referencing “the middle floating group’s data” in the save workflow, instead of “parent group’s cases”, but it does hte same thing - which makes sense too since they are referencing the same thing either way.

Does anyone know what I’m missing?