Scheduled Workflow not doing what it does if I run it immediately from the site itself

I have a scheduled workflow that the users can create that will move some data from one table to another table that has no privacy (so the public can access with a pin). I can run the backend WF from the site and the data is moved successfully but when I schedule it to run tonight, it doesn’t work - no data is moved.

I’ve been experimenting with putting slight delays on the nested wf and ignoring privacy but no joy yet. Final hope is allowing to be run without auth - tonight’s test or something else you can highlight I might be missing. I cant see how run without auth will help as the WF is scheduled to run on my admin account.

Happy to share screenshots if you think the issue might be the wf setup itself.

This sounds like an odd implementation - making something public should be a case of changing a field on the Thing, no?

This is irrelevant as all requiring auth means is that the user must be logged in or the API scheduled using an admin API token. Unlikely to be the cause of your issues!

Screenshots would go a long way to let us help you with debugging.

The scheduled wf runs and checks which reports to include, up to step 9, then creates the email, sets when it was last run and reschedules the wf for some time in the future

Assuming only the changes to home address report is to be included - this deletes any previous records from past runs and then finds the list of new data to include for this run

The final step is to cycle through the list and append to the scheduled email home address table

I think I may have found the answer. During the initial wf I was scheduling the new wf at the end and resetting the next time this wf will run i.e. the last time it ran, the next time it should run and it was on these dates that I was trying to find data in the nested wf. I was changing them too quickly and the searches just weren’t finding any data i.e. did anybody change their address in the coming month - nope!

Will see what happens tonight but I’m hopeful.

Thanks for your help @georgecollier

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