Scroll bar not scrolling

So, I’ve searched the Bubble forum and I have found a thread on this but it was long-winded and I attempted the CSS involved but without success so I’m wondering if anybody knows a more straight forward way of widening the scroll bar.

Right now I have a messaging system on my app, but I’ve realized as people talk that they aren’t able to scroll down. They have to hover their mice over a certain point on the scroll bar for it to stick for them to scroll down so this obviously isn’t very user friendly. I am not very code friendly so I am wondering if there is an easier way to change the scroll bar to work better. Any thoughts?


Have you tried using one of the scrollbar plugins?

No, I’ve tried searching tutorials but I havn’t found any solid tutorials any of the plugins Ive seen. There is a woman that does nocodeteaching I think its called but her tutorial isnt quite what im looking for. Do you have any suggestions by chance?

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