Search box change event fails to fire on successive value changes of text not in list events

The second successive value change on a search box where the value is not in the list fails to fire the change event.

This is definitely a bug: the demonstration below is reliably fails.



To demonstrate the bug, in the search box:

type name, then select name 1 from the dropdown - see event fires correctly and linked item registers
replace “name 1” with “name”, then select name 2 from the dropdown - see event fires correctly and linked item registers
replace “name 2” with “test” and hit return - see event fires correctly and typed text registers
replace “test” with “test 2” and hit return - change event does not fire

Can you send a bug report? That’s easier for us to track? (basically copy pasting most of what you have).

Bug report submitted. Will do this going forward, although I have found other people’s public bug reports on the forum useful. Your main bug list isn’t public is it?

No it’s not. Ideally these bugs are fixed very quickly after the report is sent, so a list isn’t useful. So far that’s how we did it.

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