Search by multiple criteria


I am building a platform site for events.

Page A sends “tag”, “area”, and “categoly” information to Page B using URLs, and
Page B uses “get from page URL” to retrieve the information.

On Page B, create the RG
Create the event list.
In the “constraint” of the data source, I want to input the information from Page A, but I don’t know how to do it.
I want to enter each of the information from Page A in the “constraint” of the data source, but if I go to Page B with one of them blank, it will not be displayed.

I would like to make searches with multiple criteria work correctly. However, there are times when some or all of them are blank.

Please give me your wisdom!

新しく検索用のdata typeを作り、
それをnavigate to page Bをするときにsend data result’1


Check the “ignore empty constraints” box in the data source area and see if that works.

Learn no code →

Thank you so much!

It was a complete blind spot.

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