Hi, Community!
Short story: On Sunday, just for fun, I created a simple app for people to cast their vote on a candidate, since election time is coming. Well, it became some sort of national phenomenon on politics [chill down, I live in a really small country].
My issue is that candidates’ campaigns are using bots or software to cheat on the poll results. As you can realize, this contaminates the entire purpose of the project. So, I’m looking for a way to stop -or at least limit- these ‘votes’ cast by bots. (Sad part: ALL candidates are using these tools to cheat, it seems politicians will be always be the same no matter where).
My huge constraint is that the vote must be “anonymous”, so I’m not making to sign up any user. So far, my only ‘protection’ is to figure out the ‘Current User’ based on the browser unique info Bubble gets from it. As you know, if they try from another browser, or just go for incognito mode, they can vote one more time. It is fine, I can live it with that, but not with thousands of votes for minute coming from other random countries, or “(not set)” locations.
I thought about using Google’s reCaptcha plugin, but -for what I had read; and let me know if its not actually- it seems it is useless these days against cheating bots on this kind of online polls . So, I want to know if any of you have got around this issue, or if just have any ideas you want to throw me.
Thanks in advance!