Sendgrid missing Substitution tags


I am using the Sendgrid plugin by @copilot

I pass through 2 parameters to the workflow that contains the SendGrid action. 99.9% of the time it works ok and it passes through all substitution tags to Sendgrid and the email looks great.

But .1% of the time, it seems to fail to send through the parameter and Sendgrid sends a partially blank email:

Any ideas?


During the 0.1% are you sure there is any value in the data being passed through?

Yes, it just looks unprofessional when an email arrives with no data in it…

It might not be 99.9%… it may be more like 95%. I don’t have enough data yet to get an accurate number…

I found my solution 5 months later!!!

The data was missing because the workflow had privacy permissions turned on. Once I set the workflow to ignore privacy, the parameters are passed through to the workflow and the email populates ok.

The reason it was intermittent was because the email is sent via 2 workflows and one of the workflows was configured ok.