Sending file from to Bubble API

Hi! I’m trying to send a WhatsApp attachment (image/pdf/gif/video) to a backend workflow. Somehow it’s giving the error as shown in the screenshots. ChatGPT doesn’t see anything wrong in the setup, I don’t see it either. Seems to be something with the data-structure that Make uses then?

Bubble stores data in the “File” type field as a URL/text (not the binary data). Are you sending a URL via your Make API call?

Thanks for the reply! No it sends as binary. Whatsapp doesn’t allow a link through make, just the data itself in binary. Any idea how I can make that work?

If you’re using Bubble’s filestoreage you could use a free plugin (link below) and chain that step onto your backend workflow.

So change the file type to “text” > grab the data from Make > upload it to Bubble’s filestoreage (using the plugin) > retrieve the URL in response and store that on your object.

You’re such a legend. Made my day :pray: It works!!

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Great discussion. I was also struggling with sending binary data to Bubble. Thanks for sharing the plugin solution—it’s super helpful. Makes handling files so much easier.