Sending parameters on WordPress to Bubble app

You had mentioned kicking around any kind of ideas for integration of a bubble and non-bubble site.

Again, I would not suggest building your own cart in bubble, however I feel like the ideas themselves are potentially useful. I’ve roughly sorted them by what I imagine the integration difficulty would be from easiest to most involved:

  1. Keep the sites separate. Use standard links to redirect users to your bubble app. Users configure product on bubble site, navigate back to WP–easy.

  2. Include url parameters in your link to trigger events or configuration on bubble site.

  3. Send form data collected on WP page via dynamic URL parameters that are formed in JS on the WP page.

  1. Include iFrame on WP site that shows your bubble site. You could ‘wrap’ an entire bubble page in a frame (no SEO value though).

  2. create a ‘tiny’ (as in physically miniature) bubble page for your cart/item counter and display that in a tiny frame in your WP page header. Clicking it brings you to bubble cart.

  3. Use either #5 or #6, but also give yourself some advanced integration between the two sites by using Javascript PostMessage() to send messages from your WP site into the bubble frame to trigger workflows, etc.

  4. (Relating to 5 & 6) Write a few lines of JS on the bubble site to read your bubble user cookie and transmit the UID contents from the bubble iframe to the WP parent frame and then save a new cookie on the WP site for matching. Remember that the domain host for the two sites will be different and they cannot read each others cookies. This will at least keep a consistent UID data across both sites, HOWEVER there is big unknown to me here, which is the issue if the user logs in and out of bubble to keep track of matching those UIDs. You’d have to get a good grip on what is happening with bubble cookies to make this workable.

  5. Use Public API workflows and tokens to match data.

a) Build a backend API workflow in bubble
b) expose it as a public non-authorized endpoint.
c) Use a HTTP form POST to send data to bubble from your WP page.
d) you can also tie the WP site user to the bubble user.

  • create a cookie on WP with a unique token.
  • POST that token to the public bubble API endpoint you created.
  • Save that token to any of the things created in that public workflow to allow you to tie it to your WP visitor

When you visit the bubble site from WP:

  • include the WP cookie token in your URL links to bubble

When your user arrives at bubble page:
-Do a search for thing (cart_items): token = [WP token extracted from URL]

  • make changes to current user: token = [WP token extracted from URL]
    (you can’t ‘do a search for’ anonymous users in bubble, however if the user signs up, the token value will be migrated to their user’s thing.
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