Set own limit for getting the WU "Spiked" notification

If you check out the two attached screenshots, the top is of my live workload usage in the last hour and the bottom is where I’ve set my email notification.
IMHO, even though there “technically” was a “spike”, at only 0.35, I suggest this is a “False-Positive”. It takes me away from my work to check on something irrelevant.
It’d be useful if we could have a setting of “Show only variations in workloads > x workunits”.

Interesting. I haven’t seen a false positive yet. That is probably a good idea. It doesn’t even mention what their formula for calculating this is in the docs: Scaling with Bubble | Bubble Docs

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Yeah, I totally get what you mean. A 0.35 spike feels pretty irrelevant and just adds noise. If we could set a limit for what counts as a “real” spike, it would definitely save time and focus. It’s a small change, but it’d make the notifications way more useful.

And again 1st thing today. Spiked becuase it went fom 0.0 to 0.005.
Just a time-waster :frowning: