Setting up workflows/plugins - Bug?


Ho no, the hollydays were very short :rofl:

Just upgraded my account and found out this bug is happening from my side as well. :rofl:

[edit] things are back for wf and plugins

Plugins are back but not wf nor actions nor apis

Working fine for me now !!! :money_mouth_face:

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Well done guys, all is working again
Thank you!!!

Looks fixed now

Plugin and wf actions are back here :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah, so stuff is restored… But… what WAS that? Eh? This is the third (fourth?) plugin-related weirdness in the last few weeks. Great if Bubble is working on plugin APIs, but :man_shrugging:? I’m on strike developing new plugin code until client-side actions have parity with anything resembling a reasonable API, but still.

As I suggested earlier

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What was the cause of this bug?

Posted an update here: Outage this morning

(As a new thread so people will see it…)


Yup, and I concur, that was the right thing to focus on @josh

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Or just a day?))

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