Show not working

Guys know how to tell me if the bubble is restricted with respect to showing elements, as it seems that I can no longer show any elements using the show function
I have three popup on the screen, only 1 appears

Can you show us the page structure so we can get a better idea of what’s going on?

Is Group Produtos in a repeating group?

And just to be sure, your Floating Group A/B aren’t what you’re looking for, right?

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Sometimes I’ve experienced this recently. Happened during a live session of one of my Bootcamps and I noted it down to send a message to Bubble about as a Bug.

I ended up refreshing the page and the elements were once again available. It was quite strange.

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I’m feeling like an idiot, for some reason today the second popup appeared in the option to show element

I’m feeling like an idiot, for some reason today the second popup appeared in the option to show element, it was something similar to what happened to you

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