Simple math Expression for bubble

@jwharrod2000 Can you explain the definition of “Charges 1 - arrest’s value’s Fine Total”?

Assuming you want to continue with six preset rows and preset dropdowns …

It looks like you aren’t using any lists, so List Item Expression isn’t going to be useful.

Try these steps:

  • Expression element with

Charges1qty * Charges1amt + Charges2qty * Charges2amt + Charges3qty * Charges3amt + Charges4qty * Charges4amt + Charges5qty * Charges5amt + Charges6qty * Charges6amt

Then replace each ChargesNqty with a dynamic expression that selects the dropdown’s value, replace each ChargesNamt with a dynamic expression that selects the appropriate amount.

Alternatively replace qty * amt with a single dynamic expression multiplying them with Bubble’s operator.

  • Text element to show Expression’s value.

For more reading on Toolbox: Toolbox plugin - collection of utility elements
Examples in: