Some Users Not Showing in RG

I have 13 users. 9 were created in the Data page of the back end (via New Entry button). 3 were created from the default Bubble sign up in the Reusable Header. 1 was created with a CSV import.

I have a repeating group to show all users. The 3 that were created with the default sign up, do not show up. This is the case with ALL of my repeating groups.

I made a new RG from scratch here are the screenshots:
Database showing the users:

Editor showing the RG settings:

Screen shot of the results:

You can clearly see I’m searching for all users, and those 3 don’t show up. Is there a difference in users when using the default sign up?

Probably related to Privacy rules. Check them.

Here are my Privacy rules:

When logged in as an Admin I can see 1 admin (self):

When logged in as a NON admin, I can see no admins.

Changing any setting in Privacy doesn’t affect the repeating group how I need.
If I completely remove the rules then the repeating groups works. But I think i need those rules for other functions.

Is there a way for a Repeating Group to ignore privacy rules?

Hello there! My suggestion for you is to start by defining your roles and then writing your rules accordingly. When defining your rules, make sure to specify the role of the current user and leave the last rule aka the “everyone else” rule for unauthorized users. I find your privacy rules logic a bit confusing, so I recommend trying out this method and seeing if it works better for your scenario. It’s highly likely that the problem lies in the privacy rules you’re currently setting up.

Best regards,


Any chance you’re not showing all rows and it’s maxed at 9 on the UI?

Thanks everyone! It was 100% my privacy rules.
I can’t even remember why i set them up like that, but i check all my other features and they work when i remove them. So they are gone now.

@kirsnvartem I took your advice and am now re-writing my rules. Thanks!

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