Something that Bubble is Missing

Past week Bubble raised a good foundation boost from the investors and that’s a really great news. I hope this will boost Bubble development and new feature will come out much faster.

Nevertheless my clients and myself has it’s own “wish list” that we would be amazed to see in near future.

  • Easier layout manager. Wappler like layout manager.
  • Data listing/Friendly table display and customization
    • I believe that data display wizard which already includes built in sorting/search based on Repeating Group would save a lot of time for Bubble developers
  • Server location selection
    • This is something I believe almost every European Bubble user is waiting for. Less ping, faster download.
  • Application export
    • Full web-site export to be able to import on some 3rd party hosting providers where you can configure performance by your own. Most likely this need to be added to higher Bubble pricing plans.
  • Site management and setting
    • Global site setting functionality that consist of variables which can be access trough web-site

I believe this is pretty much it. A short list of long waited feature.
Please add your own and maybe some of them will be implemented in near future.

Thank you.