Special search: Do I have to add the parent record ID to a list item?

Hi @mente12,
I think i assisted another user with doing something very similar to yours on this forum.
See the post below:

Assuming you want to display all records that contain some particular food item in the food list in a repeating group (RG), this is what you should do.
You will set the RG “Type of Data” to Record.
Then RG “Data source”: Do a search for Record > Add new constraint > Food list contains [search item]. Here [search item] is wherever you’re getting the item value from. e.g. if you’re using input box, then it will be input box’s value.
If you look at the search statement it is very close to the english statement you made above, “I want to return a list of Meals that have APPLE in the list of foods.”
Once you have the record pulled to the RG, you can add text element to the RG rows, and display the Meal names as: Current cell’s Record’s Meal name.
Take look the post below and see the demo and editor.

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