Speed of workflow - SLOOOOW

Hey all, I have a form on my site where users can click checkboxes and as the users clicks on them it either adds or removes that entry to/from the database. There are hundreds of line items that a user can select but even one selection is taking up to 10 seconds for the workflow to work. Why does that happen? Am I setting up the workflow all wrong?


Front end:

What are your constraints for both of those searches?

Oh, did you mean the search box?

The search box is using the Search & Autocorrect plugin and updating the table accordingly.

Instead of doing a search on the make change I think you could access the right account/venue by using the row’s value, that way you don’t have to search for it again.

On a side note regarding UX, when a change is immediate it is best practice to use a switch instead. When it comes to checkboxes these are used alongside validation buttons.

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Thanks for the response! Can you explain this a little more?

“On a side note regarding UX, when a change is immediate it is best practice to use a switch instead. When it comes to checkboxes these are used alongside validation buttons.”

Do you mean something like a toggle or an icon the user can click on instead of a checkbox?

I should have included that! Here’s the constraints and the additional part of the workflow

Constraints: there isn’t much here. The toggle is just to show or hide an element but here are the checkbox constraints


Yes if the action is immediate use a switch instead of a checkbox, like the one you have above.


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